Abby - Why I Love the Bigelow (Part 1)

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Hi everyone, my name is Abby, I'm a prelim intern here at MGH and I'm here to talk to you about just a few of the reasons why I love being a prelim intern here at MGH when I was thinking about where I wanted to do my intern year, it was really important for me to be at a place where I can do as much general medicine as possible. I felt that I only had a year to learn as much medicine as I could um medicine that would help me through the rest of my career and training and what I love about MGH is being able to spend six months on the general medicine for as prelim interns here at MGH. We have a lot of experience on the Bigelow in the Bigelow to me defines MGH my experience here and there are several reasons why. You're with three other interns in your jar and they're pretty much your automatic friends for the next two weeks and I think it's really great because you really are able to form a cohesive bond as a team and really start to work together and Do what's best for patients and advance patient care. One of the things that the bigelow entails is the 24 hour call, but there's always a senior resident who's your 92 gone and I think that the nighttime is a really great time to learn, not only are you admitting patients by yourself and you get to work up the patient from start to finish overnight, but you're right, you are exactly what they sound like and they are able to teach you at night, one on one. So I've had so many great discussions with my nine, teaches about several different aspects related to the pictures I was admitting. Then when I present my patients the next morning to my team, I can share what I've learned overnight. Then I feel like I was really able to work through a differential before I have to present my teach the next day.