A week in my life studying abroad in London, UK!

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I love it here if you know me personally, you know that I didn't like my school last year and I really didn't have a good year. My flatmates are super nice, so I'm just having a really great time. Eventually, you know, maybe l like crash and want to go home. I'm gonna see how much money I haven't changed, and then we're gonna go into town. We're gonna go to the Apple store, see if you have any appointment available for today. You know, the last thing I got from my mark is this hand sanitizer. Yeah, they all know I just wouldn't be awkward. I didn't know you could mess that up you know, I can always find a way to do that. I'm gonna get a break from Park, but I've never been there before, But I want to go for a run because I feel growth. We're just gonna go there and see what happens. I'm not gonna bring my camera, obviously, because I'm going for a run. I'm gonna write a serpent, a gym there, and I have to get some school stuff like I have to get no books. This is until she's Mike, my flatmate from told I can't open doors going into town and we're gonna sign for gym memberships. We're gonna go to primary and nobody first thing is getting that Starbucks coffee, Starbucks, or both way are in Diagon Alley just pretending we're taking a shortcut. It's really not a are you having fun back there? You just got so quiet. Melissa, where are you? I'm gonna cover her. First of all, we cleaned the kitchen, which is something that really had to be done. Now I am decorating these notebooks like lost A If you wash my California Bulog's, you know, I got all these secret to Brennan male, but with the exception of you, But right now I just have, like, these just gonna be so American, you know, I'm gonna go to bed after this. Oh, I don't know if I mentioned that I'm going to Kingston University in London. I'm probably gonna be a bunch of other Americans. Um, I'm gonna go grab some lunch and then make their way down to the bus stop. There's like people from the U. S, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Netherlands and I think a person from a pole to that's gonna be like all field trips. Like just learning about British culture's, I'm gonna try to add another class as well, because I feel like I'm not being challenged at all. Should be like nobody ever says I'm gonna make some dinner. Then me and Melissa and Mitchell that are gonna go to the gym because he signed it for memberships yesterday. Now we're gonna go to the gym, Can't see me. So I'm just gonna quickly eat breakfast, get dressed and head to class. When their friends went to the gym and actually do walk with some surprise Iran two and 1/2 miles and like Core and I did some up the machine, I don't know, I don't got a chip this morning. I actually really like the class for the first hour. I was like, Wow, this is gonna be so boring and nobody's talking at all. Then after that, we did Cem fun stuff, things and stuff, You know what I mean? Yeah, exactly. I think you're gonna have to start calling some food if I want to eat soon, because both of our producer broken. You have food they need, you know? I mean, it's just like really noise. Hi. I'm still sitting in the same spot and it's now 5 30 I'm getting really frustrated because I don't think I'm gonna be able to add another class. That's like, really annoying me because my schedule so light, like, actually bothers me. We're gonna go to Yeosu shaving because that's where you want. I'm gonna do a dorm for so you're gonna have to wait for that and leave you in suspense. You can't really see it, but it's like nice hombre. I know I know that it's already being sold in the U. S. Because it was already being sold there when I left in the beginning of September. I'm gonna do some, like, tasting British candy.