2025 Birmingham Scholarships
Birmingham residents deal with the same financial burden of college education as the rest of the United States. The median household income for Birmingham residents is $33,770.00, and 10.2% of households earn at least $100,000 annually. We compiled this scholarship database to help residents of Birmingham, AL more easily afford a college education. The scholarship search tool lets you easily browse all types of scholarships by location, type and school.
25.7% of Birmingham residents have a college degree or higher, while 28.5% have a high school degree but no more and 14.1% have less than a high school education. Furthermore, 31.7% have at least some college education, 16.2% have a bachelor’s degree but no higher, and 9.5% have a graduate degree. It’s clear that a significant percentage of Birmingham residents aspire to higher education outcomes, but it’s likely that finances get in the way.
Currently, 10.6% of people living in Birmingham, AL are between the ages of 10 to 19, and another 18.6% are in their twenties. This age demographic is poised to take advantage of the below scholarships in Birmingham.
How much total award money and scholarships are available for Birmingham, AL residents?
There are 528 scholarships totaling $1,300,193.00 available to Birmingham residents.
Are these scholarships available for Birmingham high school students?
Yes, all high school students in Birmingham can apply to these scholarships.
Are these scholarships available for current college students in Birmingham?
Yes, all current college students and undergraduates in Birmingham can apply to these scholarships. Other types of applicants include nursing students, teachers, working moms, etc.