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So right now college, which is the original building of Williams College. I was in there so classes, the dorms, dining hall, every tiny, tiny building. I really consider it to be the the beginning and the end of all things. It was built in seventeen ninety three with the inception of the college. So it's a building that is really special to a lot of Williams people. So I really wanted to show you something that really stuck with me when I was researching Williams and right there and it said, climbs high time far your goal, this guy, your aim, the star and I just wanted that stick with you guys. So it doesn't matter College or no college Williams or no Williams just always shoot for the stars. Hey, why not? You know? So thank you so much for joining me on this tour. I'm so glad I got to show you guys is beautiful, beautiful college. I hope you do is well, so thank you so much and I hope to see you next year.