Why I Chose the MBA Program at WHU β Otto Beisheim School of Management with Marina

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I am originally from Brazil and I am the proud holder imagine here of a diploma and NBA Diploma from the Water by time School of Management. So there were a couple of reasons why I chose to study at the who. I wanted the program to be very broad, so not be specific about marketing or finance and the program from the who is exactly like that. So you start from the first semester in the full time program. You have just like the core modules so you have a little bit of everything. I didn't have so much money lying around to do this program. So I wanted something that was going to be great quality but also not gonna bankrupt me how fit nicely into the budget. There was also the possibility of getting scholarship either prove how or through third parties like the day on which offers um scholarships for high performing international students. That was happily in my case, when I saw that one of the programs that were on my short list was actually located in the shadow of a city that I know and love.