Why I Chose the MBA Program at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management with Katharina

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I'm a student in the NBA full time program of the WHO and I started my program last september in 2020. What was very important for me in the selection of my Master's or M. B. A. Program was that I wanted to have a program that is not specialist on a certain topic like finance or marketing, but as a general management focus because I already have a very focused background, The V WHO has a very good reputation not only in Germany but also in europe and worldwide and offers great opportunities for careers for the students. We have students from all over the world, from latin America, from central America, from africa, from Asia. For me this is very valuable because I have to say I really learned a lot from them just being in touch with them, um also outside the classroom to learn everything about um different perspectives that are very important also for the job. Another big advantage for me is that the video was also supporting students with scholarships that could not afford to be in the program normally. I think this is very special because this really creates a diverse classroom and gives possibilities um, for people to attend, um, that also bring a lot of value to the classroom.