Why I Chose WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management with Oskar

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Hi, I'm Oscar and I'm currently studying business administration at the vehicle. I am part of the Bachelor of Science 2023 cohort and just get back to fonda from my internship in Berlin. Well let me to apply to be able to buy some school of management. I would say it's a number of different reasons for one. It's this sort of practice oriented approach that the vehicle has when we have a few guest lectures from the business world. Which is always great to have the mandatory internship that you do every summer. This is especially great because you get to experience the actual like working world. Another different thing I like about you is practice oriented approach that Rivera who has for example, you have a lot of guest lectures from members of the business world which are very insightful, current things that are happening in the business world and yeah, afterwards there's always time for questions where you can always ask whatever you want. Another part that I really like about with that, let me also to apply to the is leadership oriented approach that the video has. We have to be lecture, which was actually one of my favorite lectures so far, um like one of my favorite classes. Uh then you learn on how to run an organization, how to lead people and how to motivate people.