What is RDA? Everything You Need To Know On Food

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Uh, each different amounts to the first level is like the smaller amount, and that's for when you only want to eat the dining hall because you're typically spending last money. It's more like forty six dollars if you're buying it here because you get a huge discount forty percent off. So if you only want eat dining halls, that's typically the recommended level. The second level, which I have is for half dining halls, have other places. So if you like together down in public office like they go to the market or Einstein's or Carly Desert Flicks Cafe. Um, and you spent an equal amount of time eating at both places tonight's recommended it level. Then the third one, which is like the most money, is if you're typically eating in the market or like Einstein's or places that aren't dining halls because you don't get discounts in most places. Um, so if you are, like not a dining hall fan, I recommend that, Well, uh, my roommate hasn't level, and she's like never in the dining car like I never see her come here. She always goes toe the mark it And like Feinstein says, she eats there and she loves that one. There is Southside Hillside in North Side kind of self explanatory because that's part of campus there on here in North Side, like the different food options we have. Or is this your side? There's a little cafe here to like, right next dining home gets it in the dining hall like, Separate. There's Einstein's bagel place in the market, and I'll take a video of that and show you guys because I go there all the time. I want like just some snack stuff or like my own food. The Marquis is more of like the organic kind of healthier options for market food. Hillside Any home way go there a lot to surprisingly because its next mostest one. They have the best pasta, and they have kind of more like different options for food. If you're not really into like the food here, um, and they have a market to, and it's not the standard market like the gas station feel kind of, and they have a little cafe in there, too, On DH, then South side. I think people who live on South Side would agree. Self in any hall is yet they have him there's like the dining hall, and then, you know, they want Yeah, so anyways, South one is not my favorite place to eat. I definitely prefer hillsides are so actually like eating a hillside north, right south side. Underneath South Side is a little cafe called Flex, and they have pizza. They have amazing milkshakes, all sorts of food, little marketplace in there, and everyone I know love studying there and getting food there. The cool part about Flix is they're open till one in the morning. It's like one of the only places here that's open that late. Not only are they open Toe one, they also delivered. So if you've been up studying and you're hungry, everything else is closed. Another late night option is the market, and I signs. That place can get really crazy, especially on the weekends. If you kind of just want to chill, definitely recommend ordering flicks. Then there's also some places to eat in the car. I'll show you video of those, um, indifferent video. My friend places Carlitos is a Mexican food place. It is so like it's though I Yeah, I only key cities from there because I kind of think you food. If you eat any of the three down and calls, you get a forty percent discount when you use your idea. That is amazing because it's like super cheap food.