Meet Patrick!
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My name is Patrick, and I'm a third year student here in Washington State University. I'm studying social studies education, and hopefully today I'm gonna tell you a little bit about me. Why I came to W S U. And what I think makes ws you such a great school as well as just a little bit of general history and information about the school. It has a student population of just a little bit over 20,000 students here on our Pullman campus, founded as Washington State Agricultural College in 18 90. Here in Pullman, Washington State University's rich history means we've got lots of old buildings, this one right here, which is Stephen's Hall, one of the 22 on campus living facilities for students. Some of our top programs here on campus include the Carson College of Business, the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Oil in College of Engineering and Architecture and also the College of Education. Behind me is Moral Hall, which is spelled M o R R I L Yep, that's how it's spelled. It is the home to our cadaver lab for students that are doing premed. Uh, if you're interested in that, we're one of the few schools that still have Ah, full body cadaver lab for you, Thio. Practice on before you go out and you know, put people back together for Riel. Isn't that neat here on the concourse of Martin Stadium, just right through those gates, uh, to tell you a little bit about sports here on campus. W S. U is a member of the Pac 12 Athletic Conference for all varsity men's women's sports. That includes basketball, football, soccer, track and field tennis. Uh, and there's a past that you can buy the students, just the student sports past. It's like 200 $30 and it gets into every single home sporting event we have. Sports, and especially football, are a huge deal on our campus. The capacity of Martin Stadium is actually a little bit over 35,000 people, which is more than the entire town's population. That's just a little bit of what we have here on campus at W S U See, it's a this point in the video where you're probably going G. Patrick, we could really just figure all of that out by googling. What we really want to know about is why you came to W S U. Well, for those of you now is the part of the video where I look directly into the camera and I talk about my why for W s U for me, why I ended up attending ws you instead of any of the other schools that I applied to, uh comes down to three simple reason number one family number two field of study or three would be feel. When I say family, I really do mean family. I have had a lot of relatives come to W S U, including both of my parents, my aunt, my cousin, both of my grandparent's they didn't go here, But they have contributed a lot, thanks to my families. Attendance? Uh, they're both very passionate about the university s. So it's just really been something that's been with me ever since I was a kid. I would definitely say that it played a role in me attending. So for number two, field of study when I first came to campus, I really thought I was gonna do food. Science on food Science is very highly respected program here at W S U. It's really up there in terms of sort of the national rankings of these programs. There's a lot of great resource is for that field of study here on campus, including our own cream Marie. Eso Those programs were a big initial reason why I came to W S U. But then I quickly realized that I could not do a lot of the chemistry and science related problems that that major required eso I was sort of stuck. I wasn't sure what to dio, but I was ableto work with a lot of the academic resource is here on campus. They made sure that I was able to find a program that worked for me and played to my strengths. I'm really glad that I was able to do that and continue my education here. Lastly, I was feel I just feel like the feeling, uh, that you can get that in the connection to campus is unlike a lot of other schools, especially, ah, school of this size, uh, in this area, we are truly one of the few remaining college towns in America on that is really seen in the demographics of the town. Um, we have such a big school in such a small area relative to a lot of other schools in a town this big that really played to our advantage. You get a lot of people that there's no distractions. There's no you know, you're not gonna get caught up in the allure of the big city that you would get at a lot of other schools. I think that that's a really good thing that plays into a lot of its strengths again. Ah, lot of the same people that you're gonna meet are here or the same reasons. Your there's gonna be a lot of like minded people here. Whatever you're into, there's gonna be other people here on campus that like it, we have 300 plus registered student organizations. That's clubs, teams, intramurals, all those kinds of things, from majors related clubs like the pre nursing club to the Cookies Club, where they bake cookies, the Cookies and Puppies club, where they bake cookies and play with puppies. There's, Ah, whole wide range of activities here on campus, and there will always be people that you can meet and people that you can relate Thio because being a cook is so unique,.