Mason's WSU Dorm Tour
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Hi guys today I'm gonna be talking about my experience living in a dorm W She was a few variation of dorm rooms. They have single rooms, double rooms and quad rooms. Each of these has a variety of options included to provide the best fit for all of their students. These options could be a toilet and a shower in your dorm, a sink and shared living spaces between multiple rooms that include kitchen appliances. The dorm I lived in was a double room, so I had one roommate and we shared bathrooms and showers for the entire floor. W shoe is coed dorms, but they vary on how they're organized. The door my staden Param Hall had girls on all of the odd number floors and boys on the even number floors. Some bars will have girls that one of the floor and boys. On the other hand, W S. U does provide all female, all male and gender inclusive housing as well. They have three all female residents, halls to all male residents, halls in one gender inclusive fall. When it comes to finding roommates, there are three ways to do so. One you already know someone personally that is going to have issues that you can room with to W Shoe is a roommate finder, where incoming students can upload a file themselves and connect with fellow students to find a roommate. Three WC requires all incoming freshmen Students live in a residence hall in Phila Housing application. They will ask you to fill out a questionnaire that includes personal preferences pertaining to room temperature, Whether you're an early bird or a night owl in a variety of other things, wh you will then take all of these preferences in your choice of residents halls and match you with a suit that has similar answers. I tried the Roommate Finder but did not find a new one that I felt like I connected with. My roommate and I got along very well and are still friends today. The most important thing to remember is that shared living space is to have good communication with roommate, and it makes all the difference. If I had to choose my favorite thing about living in tow arm, it would be getting to decorate my side of the room. I'm being able to make lifelong friends in my hall. My least favorite was having to share one washer and dryer with 50 guys. I'll This information helps you with your transition to college go kooks.