Jacob interviews Anna, a 1st year MBA at Owen.
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I'm from Eugene, but I moved to Nashville from Portland. What did you do before coming toe? Owen? I worked in Human Resource is at a variety of different couple. He's or last five years, so I know that's amazing. What is your emphasis here? It Owen, My concentration is human and organizational performance. So Anna and I are walking through Midtown on our way to campus. It looks like every other Starbucks that you've ever been to, but just in Nashville. Can you tell us what is your favorite thing about being a student? Owen who? Um, my favorite thing about being a student at Owen is honestly, the people. I think every every job you go to and every experience you have, you think to yourself Wow, like that is a great group of people can't get better than that. How am I going to meet new people somewhere else who are just awesome. I felt that when I was moving thio Nashville I was leaving a job that I loved. How am I ever gonna meet such awesome people? And then I got to Owen and I was just floored by just that. I just I honestly couldn't ask for a better cohort to spend these two years. Uh, normally, there are a lot more people hanging out, but today it's just me and Jacob who there used to be a tent here so you could sit 6 ft apart, socially distanced. Enjoy time with your classmates, but the tent is no longer here. Who's to say, uh, but yeah, it's a prime spot to hang. So we're gonna improvise and take you around the outside of Owen. You know, we've only been here for six months, but what do you like about the city so far? Mm. Um, well, being an oregonian, I loved being outdoors, So I would say the parks, the green space in this city is phenomenal. You could do all sorts of outdoor activities really close into the city. A little bit of a history of violent thing, actually. We don't happen to know who h. Laird Smith is. Um, but I would guess that he maybe went to Vanderbilt. Anna, Uh, the other side of Owen And one of the cool things that we've been doing over here is our student programs office has been putting on a lot of awesome events. We've been having variety of food, trucks and ice cream. Um, during midterms from finals on, everyone gathers socially distance in this parking lot and eats together, hangs out, gets to talk, get to know each other. You get to meet some group members you work with, you know, virtually in person, which is really cool. It has a lot of good memories and eating hot dogs for all of our audience at home. Your advice for anybody? How does it just be open? It's a journey. It's one of the best decisions you'll make in your life, but just know that it's a journey, E. But that was great. I didn't give Anna any of these questions ahead of time.