My Advice to Future International Students at Owen Graduate School of Management with Bryan

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Once you get accepted as a valuable student, you get put on a slack group. You be intentional about finding a roommate, especially someone who's already in the United States vulnerable students or when students are usually very open to sharing spaces. It makes life easy in terms of like finding accommodation before you get to Nashville. This is important because especially if you get here just before orientation wants to start, because once orientation starts, it will be difficult to do orientation and at the same time look for for housing. The slack channel starts around May june so around May june, you should already be looking for a roommate and find a place where you can stay once you've done that, that would be great. Um Also ask your roommate that they're going to come up with like internet uh, connection there, going to source internet connections on that so that you can be connected to the internet as soon as you get here, when you get here, the best way to find furniture will be on facebook market. Try to find your furniture and facebook market because it makes life a lot easier when you get here and then you reach out to your classmates also have trucks who are willing to go and help you move that furniture. I got a bed, table chair and a few other things from facebook market at really affordable prices, including my laptop. So it was one of the options that you want to check. You also want to check at walmart to see if you can find some uh good appliances for cheap, which will also help you to set up your room in the first week as you get here.