Top 3 Reasons I love USC with Jake
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What are my top three things at USC first is probably the breath, the ability to study really whatever you want and kind of the support for that through the advisers system. So of course you have, your major, your advisor will be specific for that department and they will can plan through you like your whole three or four year program and you can just talk to them what classes you're thinking of taking or minors or major as you want to take and there's just so much support for you to be able to do that. You don't have to stress or I'm not going to finish my units in time. You will be able to just work with your advisor and they were always happy to help. What else do I love? I love the organization organization system being involved. I made my own DND organization, dungeons and Dragons with a bunch of friends. I've also got involved in the Economics Association at USA and I'm gone South Ambassador as well, which involves talking to prospective students and I met so many great people through that. I think it's one of the best ways to meet new people and I really look forward to taking what I've, what I'm doing to in person. Finally, I think again, I'll say that the students just, you get people from all sorts of backgrounds, they're all wanting to kind of hear your story and you can learn a lot from hearing theirs and they can help you with your subjects and just social, I can really whatever because there's just so they're also happy to work with each other. I mean, that's why you have this trojan family. Everyone is genuinely, really close to each other and you keep these connections even long after you've graduated.