Why CampusReel?
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So a lot of my friends and people have been asking me what campus riel is. Why I'm doing this tour on DH. I told them the same thing every time, and I thought I should share this information with the people on actually making these videos for S O. Basically, I'm doing campus real, because when I was doing a bunch of my college tours, I felt like all of them were super scripted, and I was like robot talking to me. Although they were, like, set up nicely, I just felt like a little weird, and they were, like, super boring going around. Just so basically I wanted to share my honest opinion with you guys. I feel like this is more personal, more comfortable, especially because I'm just having like, a conversation with you guys. I feel like so and especially because the University of Michigan was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I also want to share the, like, weird sites of it. I feel like Michigan isn't really talked about that much. So by doing this video, I'm hoping to share just a bunch of, like, insights on it.