Bree at the University of Michigan

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My name is Bree Andruzzi from South Boston, and I go to the University of Michigan here, in and harbor. Um, I went Teo High School at a small liberal arts school in Providence, Rhode Island. I knew I needed to branch out and go to like a big school. I also knew I had to narrow down my options because I wanted to go to art school, but one that was in a huge university so I could take a bunch of different classes. Um, I also loved just the school in general because I got to make friends and I'm making friends from all different backgrounds who want to study different things, which was really what I was looking for. Although the school's thirty thousand undergrad in ten thousand grad students, I honestly feel like I'm connected with so many different students on DH A. Believe that I made a big school small, and I also can make it big whenever I wanted to. I'm excited to show you around our huge campus, and I'm super weird. So hopefully I can make this tour not boring for you.