Interview with one of my classmates Zhong!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
It's restaurant on our right near my campus. The director of our program on we're both research assistants and we became great friends. Wants to be a side B s eyes fashion off science information program for people. Why did you choose Michigan? I really love the snow and the weather and also has a very strong Democrat bond. Diverse programs, just engineering your sign Also literature and science. What is your least favorite part about you? I don't like this snow. Especially in winter, when he was like about, like, ten feet. So weather Where Where did you think you from? Michigan Ary from? I'm from a place Caution Jin just across the border. Which other schools in your place? I applied Teo, apply in this aptitude. You see a earthly lehigh with marry bunch of school Polite again like Tio the school here.