Hudson breaks down the Work/Life Balance at UMich
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I think it's no, it is a really, really big work hard player in school, and I can totally attest to that. It's not, you know, necessarily like that for everybody. I guess you know, the engineers tend to have it a little worse. In terms of workload, business students have a lowers and competition. Medical students haven't more difficult in terms of the amount of work as well, I guess, and you know, art schools extremely competitive. Now that I think about it, the whole thing is so competitive. I kind of knew that going in, and that's what I wanted in school. I want to be surrounded by students who push each other and a really dedicated and driven but also like to have a good time. I think Michigan has got to have one large populations that balance, having a good time studying really hard. Ah, but you know, another senses people who gets the referee, Oh, beings to fund school.