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So Michigan is the school that I chose to go to, and I'm super glad that I'm here. I just sometimes walk to class, thinking about how lucky I am to have this opportunity Teo attend college and to be able to learn under these great professors who made big impacts in their industry and feeling like a part of something bigger having that big Michigan Wolverine prize. I think one of the things I'm really grateful for is the love my association. People that have graduated from Michigan are super proud of it, and they're also so willing and helpful to current students. So I know I've talked some alumni who have been open, too, if your national interviews and with speaking with me and supporting me. That has been really helpful as I try to navigate what I want to do in the future. Um, I also, I'm really thankful for learning here. I think a lot of places you're going to be learning things and you're gonna have to be memorizing, fax or what not. That's probably going toe escape you, maybe a month after the class ends. What Michigan has taught me is a way to approach problems with a different mindset, and his class is not within my major. I took politics of civil rights and civil liberties, or it's my Eaks class, my computer science class that I took, or a business class and just thinking about problems in a different way. I think that is a skill that I'm going to be taking with me wherever I go, because it's just taught me howto think and analyze differently on DH. Then another thing I'm really thankful for is the people here. I'm really thankful that people are very open, and I think I've made some lifelong friends. The close proximity of everyone makes it easier to hang out with other people. So these are some of the reasons why I really appreciate Michigan. I hope that you saw some other points as I shared my videos. I know everybody has their own fit, and I hope that bye videos vital helps you get a little bit of a better sense of what it is like going Tio and as always, go blue.