Ally's Campus Tour - Part 3

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Hey, guys, my name is Ali, and I'm a sophomore at the King's College. Today I'll be showing you part three of the campus tour, and if you haven't seen part one and two yet, make sure to go check those out. Let's go check out the sixth floor. When you first walk in, you'll see a student services and this is Madeline, and she'll tell you a little bit about what student services does. My name is now a student services representative and your student services, the active liaison between the student body and the business and finance office. If you ever need anything like a Band Aid solution, you can come to us and we will help you out. The middle of this explore is what we call the Fish Bowl. There are actually fishing here, but it is a great place to eat lunch and just talk with friends before class starts. Surrounding the fish bowl are different faculty offices. We have student development offices, spiritual life and different house adviser faculty as well. Over here are some trophies ranging from sports to the house Cup. Like I mentioned on the first floor on showcasing different Student order Way have some pretty great student organizations here came from Spain to debate two different photography clubs and dance clubs and drama clubs, and this is the Library of Kings. What is amazing is that we have the whole city of our fingertips. We have access to the New York Public Library and even different books from Colombia and other schools around the city. Yes, over here is the fact that new bookshelf we have so many cool professors here at King's and they're all very involved in the fields that they teach. Many of them are also authors of books, and we have people from Joseph Will content to Dr Bradley. We also have professors like Brian Bromberg, who's on Fox News, and Alyssa Wilkinson, who's the main movie critic for Box and thank you for touring the case called.