Why I Chose the Bush School of Government and Public Service with Cat
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I'm currently in Austin, but I will be moving back to College station at the end of this week to attend my second year at the Bush school of government and public service at texas A and M. University. I am enrolled in the Master of Public Service and administration program at the Bush school. I'm studying public policy analysis, specifically education policy and state and local government. There are so many different sectors that you can learn about whether it be nonprofit, public private lobbying, grant writing, whatever it is, you can learn about it at the Bush school and you can really have either a fine tuned Expertise in a certain subject or a really holistic view of what public policy is in general before you enter the workforce. And I always knew I wanted to go to the Bush school even though there are over 70,000 students at A&M, I have never walked to class without seeing somebody that I knew. It feels like such a small school. Despite the fact that there are over 70,000 students. there. College station an hour away from Houston, hour and a half away from Austin, it has all of the wonderful amenities that you would want from a city. Everybody in college station is connected too and I really do think that the close knit feel of college station of texas A and M was something that really put the Bush school above and beyond. Something else that I love about the Bush school specifically. And, A&M in general is just the wide variety of students that are there. There are so many people from around texas from around the world that you get to meet and learn about their different experiences and become a better person because of that, a more educated person because of that. The Bush school has the Masters of International Affairs as well as the Master's Program for Public Service and Administration, which is what I'm doing, but I get to learn all of those IA student's names and get to know them as well. And a lot of them are international students. I was in an international organization during my undergraduate time at A and M. My roommate is actually from Pakistan. Um and I met her, at A&M through A & M. And it's really interesting to learn august different ways of thinking all these different cultures. I think that it has really benefited my learning experience, getting to see the world through the eyes of people who, you know, haven't had the same life experiences as m. And that is something that the Bush School does really well.