Program Structure at the Bush School with Cat
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the classes prepare you for what you are going to be doing in the public sector. The private sector after you graduate, there is a beautiful, wonderful mix of individual projects, papers, exams, a group projects, papers, presentations, exams, et cetera. Another thing that's really cool about the Bush school is that in your second year, if you're an M. P. S. A. student, you have a capstone that lasts your entire second year. If you're an M. I. A student, your capstone last your last semester and what a capstone is, it is a group project for lack of a better word where you have a client or an issue that you would like to solve and you work together to create an actual solution. You will work with the texas legislature and come up with a solution for them to a problem that they have, you will then present your capstone to the people who asked you to solve this problem. You have to publish it there typically 90-plus pages long. I know that sounds like a lot, but it's something that you're working on for the entire year and it's a group project and then you will be published. It's great to put on your resume and it really sets you up for the professional world. I will say it's one of the reasons why I picked the Bush School.