Classroom Review of SRU | Follow along with Alyssa as she discusses different classrooms at SRU

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My name is Alyssa and welcome to my next video, where I'm going to give a classroom review here in Slippery Rock University. So I want to start off by saying that the average class size is only 25 students. 100 students is the max size your classroom will get will get, which is super awesome compared to a lot of other universities that have 304 100 students in a classroom. So with your average class size being only 25 students, it allows you to get to know your professor a lot more and collaborate with your peers because it's not just you sitting in a lecture hall like this taking notes and that's all it ISS. You get to really be an active learner here. So the 25 students in a class is very typical, the further you get into your major and also any classes that you have that our labs or honors. So being able Thio B in a class like that and have it be capped at 25 is honestly one of my favorite things about the universities. Our student faculty ratio is 21 toe one, so it offers a great opportunity to really get to know your professors when you're going through your major or just any of your classes in general, are professors are required toe have five office hours every semester. Just being able to connect with your professors whenever you need Teoh is just something that is a really great resource. I want to point out that if your schedule does not allow you to meet with your professor during their office hours, I have never once had an issue reaching out to my professor saying Hey, I have class during all of your office hours. Do you mind if we meet at some point just outside of those office hours and I will guarantee you that they will be willing to work with you? I actually did go to a professor's office, our my sophomore year I was taking a biomechanics class, which, let me tell you, is probably one of my most difficult classes here. I went to my professor's office hours and we went over and examined. We went over questions from home works that I had questions on, and I definitely attribute my success in that class to that one on one interaction I had with my professor. Resource is for you here, and they really, really want you to succeed. This just looks like a lecturer classroom, and all the classes that we have would just be lectures. I definitely want to tell you that that is not the case with this lecture hall. Even we have to white boards on either side of the classroom, a big white board in the front so you can definitely get involved and participate. Just because this room can fit 100 students, it doesn't mean that your classes will be that big. It really just depends on the professor that you have the class style that you have that will kind of determined to class size because you could be in a room like this with only 12 to 25 students. Me being an exercise science major, I can tell you, especially for our major, that we definitely promote being hands on. I'm really grateful to have that hands on experience as an undergrad student. You could be in the lab and really learn the material that you are learning from these lecture spaces. Classes may differ from your college classes, so I'm sure that a lot of you guys may be used to your high school schedule being super busy, where you're getting off a 6 a.m. And you're not getting home until three, maybe even later. If you have, like extracurriculars after school but college is definitely different than that. So you have to really work on like managing your time and making sure that you're being like as efficient as you can with all of your classes. There's a lot of blank spaces in there, and it's up to you to figure out how you want to fill in those spaces of your day. Now I am an honor student, So if you are thinking that you may want to attend Slippery Rock University and you're interested in honors college, the honors classes are definitely emphasized as not necessarily being harder than the other class sessions. So if you prefer to be collaborating and really developing a close connection with your peers and your professor honors courses might be a something to consider for you coming into slippery rock. The honors courses that I've taken have definitely been some of my favorite classes because I get Thio, make a connection with my professor and work on those projects that are just a little different than what you get in just your standard lecture style. So if you don't want to be sitting in the back of the classroom like this, you could definitely consider honors college and just the classes that that that position offers. So what class that you will be taking as a freshman here, your very first semester is called First Seminar and first seminars. Basically, you are in a class with a bunch of students in your major, and you're kind of like a little cohort, So you might have actually multiple classes your first semester with students in your cohort. First seminar is basically a class in which you get to work with your peers, get to know that professor and also work with pure leaders who have been successful in your major, and this class is meant to prepare you for what the major is going to look like. It's meant to help you acclimate to college campus, since it it's definitely different than high school and you get to work on developing those skills, off time management and study habits and all those things that you would need to have really, really solidified in order to be successful in your major. One other great thing I wanna point out about first seminar is that quite often that professor that you have for that class is a professor in your major and at least in exercise, science is usually your advisor. Now it's not 100% the case, but just the fact that you have a professor that is going to be in your major, that you will see throughout your time in that major here at Slippery Rock. Which I'll show you in a minute, definitely has a lot of the academic majors located in them. Even if your major is not one of these buildings in this space, you will definitely have classes here throughout your academic careers. Your rock studies courses really helped give you a wide range of classes, and experience is a very well rounded education, a rock solid education and you'll definitely find yourself in these buildings here. Alright, guys, here I am in the quad. And as you can see, we have a bunch of academic buildings behind me here. I just wanted to take a second to thank you so much for watching my video.