Walk with me to class!

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So I just left him a lot comments, which is our dining hall, and I have some hot chocolate and toe because, you know me, I'm a Southern girl who doesn't like any version of cold ever s O. This is vault Auditorium that they're showing a movie here later this week. It's basically just like a little auditorium with the screen. Like, all the administrative buildings air here like the deans and the Financial Aid and admissions office, your primary contact means or people that are assigned to you, and they'll help you with anything you need whether, like, from living arrangements or like you just need help figuring out like counseling or mental health services. The class that I'm going to right now is environmental policy with Vanessa Tyson, and she's an amazing professor. They're very lively, and they want to talk to you and friendly and all that, thanks. The professor isn't here yet, but well, I guess we wait like, yeah, I'm giving, like, a campus tour. Um, students who, like, can't visit you know, like, I want to see you there campus.