Pepperdine's Quick & Basic Facts

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I'm just gonna give you a rundown of some basic pepper dine facts give you the rundown, give you the basics. It's a little bit under four thousand undergraduate students here at Seaver College. All of the undergraduates are at one college called Seaver. There were also some grad schools, but separate different video to worry about. While I'm filming this, it is February and here I am sitting outside. It's about sixty five seventy degrees beautiful and sunny. Conserve Whenever you want, you can see the ocean behind me. So our gender ratio is about sixty forty, female male. It's kind of a joke on campus, because there's always just more girls anywhere you go. Honestly, it's not too noticeable Greek life here on campus. It's about thirty percent of girls participate in Greek life, and twenty five percent of boys participate. All my friends who are not involved still have a really fulfilling time here. There's no demand to be in it, and there's no demand to not be in it. We go surfing, sometimes mostly in a club called Veritas Club, where we just explore like the hard questions of life. There's something for everyone here, and it's a really amazing place.