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I just wanted to give some last minute advice and good bye, my kind of detail, a few things that you might not have seen. One thing that I want to highlight is like for sure the food, some things that didn't happen this week. They do like a whole special being, like every dining hall has a different holiday meal for whatever holidays coming up like I'm Thanksgiving like, you might want to use the fixer Thanksgiving dinner. Then the next date like scripts will have a Thanksgiving lunch for Mardi Gras. Seems he had, like, an entire jazz band, No coming like play for the whole meal. So this special event meals, especially Christmas, like all the holidays. So if you want to do like any creative projects, like whether that has to do with, like wood shopping or sewing, or just building or painting or crafting, you could do it all for free at the high. What they have supplies there for you, like collaborate with people and you could just do work there. Pitzer pasta and dessert bar our Greek food things I like. I didn't really get a chance to like Show, didn't want to bring the camera, you know, crazy parties, but definitely having like, five schools to choose which kind of five you're looking for. Whether that's like a concert like you know with, like student bands, or if you want to go toe like like a like a preacher, you have the choice to all of those things. Yeah, I guess like my final piece of advice is that, you know, generally in your college search, look for things that interest you. When I came to scripts, I picked out for things that I wanted to look for in a college. I wantedto study abroad. I wanted t be in a warm location because I hate the cold. Didn't like it makes me sad. I wanted easy research opportunities and easy, I mean accessible to undergrads. I wanted a rigorous I like academic education that would also provide me with a large alumni network to access for future career opportunities and skips. We just so happen to have all those things for me, especially like all the added bonuses of consortium.