Classroom Experience & Setup

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I am on the second floor, which is the engineering, physics and Math and Computer Science Department usually houses classes here, so this classroom is typically used for physics. I had physics in this class my freshman year for two semesters. Our class sizes are usually less than thirty people because we are such a small school. So we don't need that big just pace there somewhere. Um, there's a pool down productions, projections from there and another one. So I'm gonna just tell you about the, uh, classroom experience your Randolph making while I'm sitting in the computational physics lab. It's about eight o'clock at night, so it's really quiet here right now. Um, but the classroom experience is a really good one. If you're into smaller class sizes here and making, so I'd make in. Usually the class sizes air about twenty five students. Professor, um, your professor will almost never have a teacher's assistant. If they do, they're helping you progress to a lab or something like that. They're not doing any of the professors work as faras, grading papers or anything like that. The my relationship with my professors has always been awesome. Even if they're outside of my major, They always remember me. They're always very willing to help me in class and outside of class hours on syllabus day here, making every professor will give you a syllabus with a copy of their office hours printed on it. Even if you email them outside of those office hours, they will. I'll email you back and say, Sure, when? When can you meet? And so They're very flexible in that regard. Even now, at eight o'Clock at night, they're still professors here in their office hours, willing to help, still checking emails, still helping students. So it's just really awesome, especially if you like that one on one help or you you need that one on one help in order to learn like myself.