Why I Chose Ramapo with Marissa

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I chose rap, oh, because I wanted to find a sense of community and not just that, but a sense of community that could help me grow as a person and grow into the kind of person who is confident and I needed to find the school that could prepare me for the real world, did my research and I talked to my guidance counselor at my high school, she gave me a list of school and I got a deep into research for all of them and on that list was rampant College of New Jersey, the second I stepped foot on campus, I knew I love the nature, I loved the academic skills that can be found here and there's a ton of alum nus that were in the field that I wanted to be into and they were doing very well. So I felt secure in knowing that this was a good program. I decided to study communications and then about my freshman year, I added on a double major, So now I am studying english and literary studies and communication programs are incredibly strong and I'm confident that when I graduate and they, I will be able to succeed in my field, I think ramp, oh, is the place for people who don't fit inside a box. They always want to explore new ideas and they want to kind of look beneath