Kristina Hollosi '23 - Tips for Applying to Ramapo!

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My application tips are, my first one is visit your campus unguided. Um, your tours are great, like the tours that Ramapo has are great but most students do those before deciding. But I think it's a good idea for you to visit your campus, unguided that you've already chosen. Yeah you're already chosen campus. It helps you get more, like, familiar on your own and like, get around the campus before school starts. And also just like, imagine more a day there on your own that is not like, structured I guess, because your real life there is not going to be like the tours, and there are not gonna people always like, showing you everything. I would also visit the residence halls. Like I don't think you can go in them without a tour but I would visit like, the areas around them so you like, know if you want a certain one that you want to try to get the cafeterias and like the places to eat. Like, they are different when you're not on a tour. So like I would also look at those. So my my second tip is L. I. S. I would consider doing Leaders in Service. It's a program in the fall for incoming students, freshmen and transfers. It's organized by the Center for Student Involvement and run by upperclassmen peers. Um, it's the best decision I ever made going to Ramapo for; it is an excellent way to meet a smaller group of peers earlier, including older peers, and getting to know the staff. Also the program like, consists of like, cool service projects and fun games and helpful information seminars that help you adjust and get connected to your school. And it's like building a good network is always very meaningful and especially in such like, a fun way. It's usually just right before school starts so then what's fun about it is afterwards. Like at the end, during regular move-in you get to also help move in the other new students. So it's like you're not as you know you don't feel as new anymore. My third tip is to go to the involvement fair and all of the res life events if you can or as many as you can. They're really fun and you can find things that interest you there and make friends S. G. A. student government. That was something that like, going into college, I didn't expect to be doing. And then now it's like, I couldn't even imagine what it be like if I didn't do that. Those events are helpful and they're there to help you io figure out like what what your interests are at the school