Kristina Hollosi '23 - Why Ramapo?

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So I decided my interests before picking a school um so that I could look at schools with relevant programs and in my case it was natural sciences and for me like I like the school of theoretical and Applied sciences at Ramapo. So that helped me pick the whole college, I guess that's probably my priority for choosing. There was an event called preview your major where I met like professors and sample classes of the major or possible other majors that are like relevant to the interests that I was looking into. It was really helpful to actually talk to the people who would be like your professors, there was even other students there who were like from the prospect of major and I would recommend going to that definitely. Um and then so I ended up picking environmental science and that really just has a lot of topics ecology, bio geology, chemistry and paleontology. That was like the main subjects you study and then also climate change, habitat destruction, pollution. All the human sustainability issues are also very relevant topics in that major, that's also one of my miners sustainability. My other minor is earth science, which is kind of like the non living parts of earth systems that kind of complete the three um subjects that make it a whole, like complete education for me.