Talking with Timmie

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I did one of my co ops at best Zero, a za clinical research assistant. Um, the reason I went to Northeastern was I kind of wanted to get out. Ohio and Northeastern also had a really good pharmacy program. Which, in your opinion, what's the student climate like? So, for example, how easy do you think it would be for someone to make friends? And how would they go about doing so? I think we have, like, a lot of clubs Northeastern. So it's decently easy to make friends if you kind of like put yourself out there on just, like, be willing to try new things because, like, I feel like everyone's pretty nice and they're like, willing to talk to you If you just don't know if you if you just friendly and I don't know, I think it's just just get out and do stuff. In your opinion, what's the academic climate like? So how stress you find that you are? How do teachers help you with that, if at all? Um, and how is your relationship with other students in regards to academics. So because on neuroscience it's very like science based have classes are like bio and the other half is like site I'm noticing. Most students don't really interact with one another unless we have to weigh just kind of study on our own. I think for me, I think it just depends on what you're studying. Stylist I'm noticing, like classes are like writing or group later. That's like the only time when I actually with people a class. I think that's just how it is with how is academic deflection, what air? Some pros and cons of Northeastern and you can be. Brutally, some pros are obviously the Cooper program. Everyone's pretty good because it helps you with a lot of experience before he actually get out into the world. I think Northeastern is constantly creating more clubs to cater. Everyone like like there's like a lot of diversity and Northeastern. So I think it's It's good that they can create more club so more people are way con consummate. Your station is It's just too expensive, like especially for the international students, that I have to pay the entire tuition just to go here. What else is there also? Oh. Some of the science labs aren't very well funded. Can I say E proctor eyes their money into, like academics instead of just constantly making or new buildings on elections. Having Alexis picked really help students? What makes Northeastern difference? North. He's just different from a lot of other schools because it's very like business. Sometimes it kind of Does that feel like a school other than like going to classes? What advice would you give your senior high school self? What advice would you give a current high school senior like before? Like, Yeah, we're just, like dealing. Um, I think for college, the main thing is management. I think it's just like you gets kinda learn along the way, but you So you have to be very self aware about how much time you're spending, like studying or how much time you're going, because I think you need a balance in order to have, like, a good time in college because of your leading, like one way more than the other than you is gonna get really stressed out here.