Sitting with Sean

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In your opinion and experience, what do you think that the student climate is like at Northeastern? You're looking well, Okay, I can't really speak to all the stereotypes. When they bought the climate in atmosphere here, that very career oriented so and it's just because the nature of our programs that we have caught, which are where experiences we're always the next job kind of always being the next words may not bad thing. It's just gonna be different than any other school, for sure speak on the social side. It's No, don't don't don't come here because there's a million houses because of non. Because frat houses are illegal in crack, houses are legal in Boston. Our years have also, like increased the social scene at Northeastern, or at least like everyone is going to parties at different schools more frequently in the Boston area. There's like a rating for, like the different sections of schools like food, academics, sports, social scene, like the party scene went from like a C minus. Like a B plus or something for Northeastern? Yeah. What do you think the academic climate is like? It's rigorous. It's very rigorous, especially for engineering. It's gonna introduce you to a lot of new things. Maybe you never use solid works, which is a design program. These things have a learning curve, not Steven's things in the world. We've never done any kind of engineering internship outside. I think that's so, so bad. But they do have their own foreign language designed by the teachers that you have to learn. First year, funny months, hoses pretty difficult when you can survive, can you all these things? They're gonna be hard in high school for sure. But you only have four classes a day and then maybe two labs. They go with that? So, yeah, it's gonna increasing difficulty. Then what's really helpful is that teachers have office hours that I don't work like just staying after school in ice T teacher office Hours are almost anytime day can always arrange a teacher yourself. In your opinion, what air? Some pros and cons of Northeastern and you can be brutally honest. Because for me, Elise, it's exciting to kind of explore what job options that are already. I don't have to wait till I graduate, and I can't explore what I want to do at the same time. It's very low because you're only doing a job for six months. You're gonna learn how to be in a work environment, and then when you come out, you're so damn much about to employ it. So that's it's good having being a day, just you're tryingto get your resume up with employers. I got thanks for all kinds of things, like taekwondo, robotics, Asian cultural organizations and I have to warn people and this goes for any campus, Really? Is that clubs and college take a way more time? They do significantly. So you should really be thinking about wandered too close. Yeah, I think it's seventy K seventy thousand right now, So I would advise if you want to go here, have a pretty good economic plan to back it up. You're probably having Boston because there's a lot of things to do here. What is some advice you give to your high school senior yourself? Chill out. I'm in college right now, So everything's fine, right? No, it's seriously, even in college sometimes. Don't take things too seriously because it was you. The only thing it's going to stop you is ISS. You think that it's just you're not gonna make it? I think everyone can make it. By the same time, if you're going really hard, just just flat this way find Thank you.