International Village - all singles, but expensive
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Okay, so I'm in a single in a residence hall called Ivy, which stands for International Village, which is mostly comprised of singles for upperclassmen students, none of which have kitchens. I believe I do think that on some floors there's like a communal kitchen, which residents can use. Because each president doesn't have access to their own kitchen, uh, everyone is required to be on a meal plan, so this is what it looks like. Uh, each resident's home maybe different. The same goes for doubles and triples, at least for the actual bathroom. There is a bathroom that is shared between two singles. You trust that that locks both doors, as you can see by the light there. Then there's the same little space to put like paper towels and more with Cooper, um, racks for each student. Then to get out, you just pressed the unlock button and then you're out.