Classes, Student-Faculty Ratio, and Getting Help When You Need It

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In orderto be there must be another thousand thousand Newton without first being here that is pulling down your touch to work. A thousand years for that to be exerted on that area. That is where you're thinking about what you were saying, something different, even higher learning. I would say it's pretty similar to how my chemistry lecture hall was last semester. Um, and for these general classes, we have about one hundred students, which makes collaboration pretty difficult. I think the caresses do a pretty good job in trying to engage. The suit's really make sure that they're actively listening and paying attention here. Way have an online thing where it's basically a poll of what you think the correct answer is. Then we discuss why before the professor reveals what the correct answer actually is, Um, and other times Professor will ask, uh, students in class Lee, what do you think the next step to solving this problem will be, and that's a really good way that our science with those at least go round doing this kind of thing. So it's pro discussion basis, especially since it is a language class on DH. I would get some footage there, but I don't think my Chinese first I would like that very much. Yeah, uh, what else? In my engineering class, it's also very discussion. I think my only purely lecture this class is my class. Um, I think we do discuss, like, homework himself, but otherwise it's mostly just lectures. Okay, so now that I've shown you the academic buildings, I want to talk a little bit about, like, the student factory ratio And like my relationships with their professors, Um, So the student faculty ratio is actually fourteen to one, which is a pretty low, very show. Like other professor assistance, um, and it it's really easy to go find help. Jumping into engineering is really difficult, especially as someone who has never coded before. I've done son like cat things which are computer automated design things. That Northeastern provides is this thing called Violet, which is the first year Engineering Learning Center, which is basically just like a tutoring hope for all first two hundred years. It's to really help, like people who have, like no experience or even, like, have some experience but are still struggling to jump right into what they want to dio, Um, and I find that really helpful. As far as, like, office hours go my professor's air pretty like lenient if you want to go talk to them at a time that's not in office hours. If you shoot them in email, um, they're usually pretty available. You can always go to another professor's office hours in that same department, depending on how comfortable you are. If you can't do that, then you can always book a tutoring session really easily.