Centennial Circle

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Uh, this is one of the landmarks of Northeastern, As you can see that right there. Showman hall over there is where snow library and such are that right there behind this tree? Sorry is Struggle Station, which has our orange line in over which has Ivy and some other upper. Um, that right there is writer, which is actually home to Candy or our college of arts, media and design. I have my Chinese class and my engineering costs in that building. So it's like the academic buildings aren't necessarily just college specific carried it. There is Caracas, which houses the College of Health science. Um, and that is West Philip, where a lot of campus tours go through. Um, West Village F is also connected to the John D. O'Bryant center, which is our African American center on campus. Right around the corner of the building with the mural, um, is our lot ex center, which houses students, student organizations of Hispanic descent Okay, So short correction. Apparently, my directions are pretty bad. This is actually the lot. Next center on DH. It's right next to the pathway to smell library.