Experiental Learning 101
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So think number three that I want to touch upon that is unique to Northeastern Is experiential learning? No. When you come to campus, you will find that it's kind of a mean at this point, like it's been said so much like professors and our precedent that experiential learning like it's out there. What it really means is that you can get all these experiences were being in resisting that are unique to us, one of them being called like obviously, another one being the more traditional study abroad for like a semester. We also have these things called dialogues, which is, You go in a month, you know, for a month in the summer to a country abroad, and you take two classes while you're there, and they're usually not like sitting in a classroom houses well, like experience classes. I am, uh, I am going to wants to Spain this summer where the class is philosophy and religion. Uh, we're walking is gone, you know, and having some fun, which is this polo match path, and we're going to be like learning about the history of that. We're also going to go around Spain like with other pain and like, talk to a bunch of people. Everyone there, and they all kind of follow like this kind of same pass. Um, other things that you could do a Northeastern is, and your terms and your terms. You say on campus for a summer and you can take, I think, two, three classes and he's just like summer school. It's they're supposed to be like and adds to it like it's pretty common. Like most people when they do, like summer classes like the campuses like Barry under Snow wonders tat students here. It's like Big Lake people will be here during the summer, and the reason for that is because Coop, like some people, especially in the kingdom, very class intensive majors like engineering and computer science. You need exhorting classes to graduate and you don't have the time you want to do to call for three gobs. So it is pretty common to do some of my school here in Northeastern and you know, Well, yes, you have to be like that. Extra tuition, everything is covered with a scholarship, like your scholarship is by terms. Because you go on call and you don't pay anything during that time, you're not going to run out like, trust me.