Sparty's Market
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I'm not quite sure around ten, I would say, um, so I'm actually that the one in eighteen fifty five place, which is an apartment, right near Brody. Um, it market is, like, has anyone, like, drinks, food toe like little things that you would need for your room, Like, so Kleenexes and literally anything. So this one specifically has also a grill you can see behind me. What not? Um so cool thing Michigan State has is they have these things called combos. So if you are freshmen and you will have the unlimited male past, which also comes with these three combos. So a item of B vitamin C. I don't, um Adam is like a drink or anything like that. Uh, the item is like a sandwich or like some macaroni cheese. Then you have a C item, which is like a bag of chips or granola bar. Um and you could speak what day you get him, and they just take her. I d swipe it and you get to take three items out of smarties market for free, which is really cool. You can just hop into one of the parties on, just grab a snack bar who's there, which is really cool. I mean, I walk around a little just so you can see more. Yeah, and then just like so many different things that you need, so yeah, it's a really helpful tool. Drive to the store is freshman you our cars to drive two stores. Uh, get something because all those parties market would usually have what you need. Like batteries are literally anything which is really cool.