Zoe - Resident-led Groups (2020-2021)
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Hello everyone thinks is that we hear I'm currently in my apartment in Fenway, which is the background today. I'm going to try to talk about a couple different things that MGH that are really important to me. One is the community and all of the amazing clubs and organizations that are available to residents and interns that I personally joined on. Well, it's just kind of describing to you the the community, professional relationships that MGH and why I think that they're so unique. So the first talk about clubs during kind of early an intern year? They have a new activity fair, which is very similar to an activity fear that you probably had in high school and college, which I thought was awesome. I kind of thought that those days were behind me, but MGH really promote fostering clubs and different organizations that MGH I am a bit of an overachiever, my boyfriend would probably say enjoined way too many clubs because I was so excited on. I didn't really think that any of these clubs organizations would do that. We probably don't have funding is kind of what I presumed, but it's really been the exact opposite. Early on, I got really involved in the Women in Medicine Club here in engaged and it's been fantastic. Our chair of medicine, Katrina Armstrong, whose incredible it is really active within the Department of Medicine residency, has invited us to her house. We've had barbecues with our shoes off, just being very casual, talking about the difficulties for women in medicine. We've met with Rhodes scholars and really common and scientists who are females who have kind of talked about work. Life balance is a woman who wants to have kids and get married, etcetera. I, I started Thio get more involved in the leadership of that club, a second organization that I am very passionate about, something called the Schwartz Committee on. They have a ton of different positions, and I am part of the social committee, kind of just fostering fun ways for us to need to hang out outside of the hospital, which I think is so important way have an amazing adviser. Her name is marital baggage and she's one of the associate program directors on there, just incredibly supportive of basically anything that they that we want to do. Way I'm not actually hosting event on Wednesday called The Roadhouse, where we're going to go to this school in the growing studio that socially distant outside and do a class way always have soul cycle events. We have these things called salon nights where we go toe seniors, houses and they kind of host tonight for a small dinner party where we can kind of talk about difficult issues at the hospital way have hiking days. We have humanity's aspect of shorts where we go to museums and concerts, and we're trying to do that virtually now. Eso basically anything that you want to do, we can do. We try to do a lot of cooking events, too, but it's been a little bit more difficult coping in the last organization. I'm actually not a part of it, but I think it's just really cool and I want to become more a part of it. It's basically integrating innovation with mechanical engineers, biochemical engineers, the Harvard Business School and people who are really interested in kind of finding problems and finding solutions. Eso I think all of these examples really just illustrate how MJ just so much more than a hospital. It's really just this way to collaborate with people who are very passionate, and also MGH provides some resources where you can truly accomplish anything.