Resident Research - Jessica (2020-2021)
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I am applying an allergy and immunology and I do drug allergy research. E S O. I came into residency not knowing what I was going to do and specializing. Um I didn't know what that was going to look like. So I ended up doing a allergy and immunology irritation during December of my intern year and really fell in love with it. Each outpatient rotation is run by a different clinical director who the residents can work with her allergy and immunology. Rebecca and I asked her who I should work with if I want to pursue some research during her residency, and she hooked me up with a bunch of different people who I ended up meeting with. Then I ended up really clicking and having a good connection with Dr King Blumenthal, who does Drug Allergy Resort with doctor Kim Blumenthal. We've been able to collaborate on a host of projects and with for mentorship, I was able to be a first author on a paper on penicillin. Our testing for surgical patients thing was a really wonderful experience and a great entry into the world of research. As someone who has not done a lot of research before and e welcome the MGH, we hope you have an incredible interview day and we hope to see you next year on the wards way.