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I'm just over here having fun with one of our butterflies that these are handheld ultrasound that connect to an IPAD way have one available on every floor for the wards. So it's a great part of our focus curriculum that we have many different parts that we can tell you about. Well, so I'm actually just reviewing the great book, which is one of our manuals for the House staff. Ultrasound in a system spaces in a way to actually learn it on the boards. It's a little bit of like a self taught wayto learn when a car ultrasound here again Ph Oh, yeah, it sure is. So we actually have ah many different parts of the focus initiative Here at MGH, we have a program director and associate program director of Point of Care Ultrasound, who actually oversees the three different arms of the point of ultrasound program. Actually, one of them is actually this, uh, this book right here. Uh, there's also our jail rounds, which is a physical exam style jail around where we go, go around in skin patients. Lastly, we actually have a full on elective. It's a two week of immersive elective where you get some hands on experience doing point of Carol's yourself. So you can get us involved as doing the elective, doing all three arms of the program or just being peripherally peripherally involved. Then on any of your big lows or inpatient rotations, you can grab any of these ultrasounds and just go about scanning patients. Yeah, so Dan Restrepo he's a former chief here at MGH. On uh, Now he's one of our core core medical education faculty members, and he's the guy who, actually overseas are elective on kind of helps coordinate everything from uneducated standpoint. Yeah, so as we learned from Sean, we have one of these butterfly systems on each of our gigolos, and that includes the butterfly ultrasound probe, an iPad for viewing your ultrasound and one of these great book hard copies. There's also a PdF version that's available to everyone. What you can do is sign them out of the big low at any time you can use the butterfly ultrasound system, and then there you'll pick a preset. There are many presets already available, including anything from cardiac scanning to abdominal scanning to vascular scanning, and you'll pick one of these. Uh, it's a pretty awesome system and that you can adjust the gain right on this system. You can adjust the depth, write on the iPad as well. They're even things like Doppler, Um um mode, using a a a a midline in order to help you with vascular access.