Michelle - Why I chose Primary Care (2020-2021)
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A big reason why I wanted to do a primary care program in residency was related to my med school experience at Brown. I did the combined M. D S C M program in primary Care and Population Medicine. There were a lot of aspects from that program that I wanted to bring with me to residency. You spent most of our third year in the outpatient setting, which was a great way to develop strong bonds with our precept er's everyone else in clinic and developed longitudinal relationships with patients in addition to the traditional med school curriculum. We had other courses on topics like healthcare disparities, delivering health care across systems and leadership and lastly, but most importantly to me, we had what I call the family within the family. What I mean by that is we were super close to the faculty who ran the program as well as faculty all throughout the med school and as a class. We were really, really tight, and all of that I wanted to recreate and residency. As I learned more and more about the primary care track at MGH. It really did seem like it fit all of those qualities I was looking for in terms of clinics. As a primary care resident, you get to pick which clinic you wanna be at for your continuity site. I'm at one called Full Finch Medical Group, or BMG, which is super close to Main campus, which is awesome because I can stay at conference and not have to rush out and then just have a short, leisurely walk basically right across the street to my clinic, which is run super Super Well and everyone there is so fun and kind super patient, which is really important, especially beginning of residency and really throughout, because clinic is hard and I also love my precept er Dr Kevin Heat. He also graduated from this residency program and, in addition, Thio precept ing in the clinic. He helps shape the primary care program, so it's really great to have a precept, er who's on both sides.