Mary - Friendships and Community at MGH
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Hi everybody, my name is Mary, I'm a second year resident at MGH and I just wanted to chat a little bit about friendship at MGH. I honestly did not know anyone in boston when I moved here and I've just been so thrilled and so moved to see um how close of a community I've been able to develop so far and I'm only halfway through residency, some of my co residents have become, you know, some of my very best friends, not just in residency but in life. Um we've we've done so much together, I think every spare moment that I have outside of the hospital, I'm with one of my friends, um one of my co residents, uh we've done trips throughout New England together, we've done some hikes in New Hampshire, we've gone to Rhode Island together um dressed up for Halloween together, um go to the movies, go to restaurants, were just always doing fun stuff together. Um and I personally am in the middle of planning my wedding next year and it's been so moving to realize how important it is for me to have um some of my co residents there who have truly just become some of my very best friends. So the community here at MGH is incredibly strong and it's just so special to be a part of this community and I'm very grateful for my friends at MGHH..