Kelly - Clinic Experience at the IMA (2020-2021)
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My name is Kelly Buchanan, and I am a PG by one here in MGH Medicine. Uh, today I would love to tell you guys a little bit about my experience with primary care training here at MGH. When we started MGH, each intern is assigned to a clinic where we will practice. My clinic is called the Internal Medicine Associates, which is in a building connected to the main hospital. Residents in their patients are integrated into the practice alongside full time primary care doctors. There are several other practice sites where residents have their clinics, but this is just one example with residents being integrated into the clinics. My patients have access to an outpatient support system, including behavioral health teams in case managers who make sure my patients have the best possible access to care. So most of us inherit panels from graduating senior residents. Um, I I actually inherited my panel from a fellow Duke medal. Thio, you know, start on July 1st and have a panel of 70 patients that I was now the primary care doctor of. Eso When we start, each of us are assigned an outpatient precept, er, who is our point person for all things outpatient, My precept. She's been following them for years alongside residents, and she's there to help me whenever I have a question any hour of the day. I also have a nurse in the practice who I work closely with Ruth. She helps me with responding to patient concerns and especially in her visit care, which could be really helpful. Finally, I have a medical assistant in the practice who I worked with on most days. Her name is lose, and she makes sure my clinic runs much more smoothly than it should. Er, my name is Alec Array, and I'm also the associate program director for ambulatory training at Mass. General. When you come to MGH for residency, you will become the primary care physician for a panel of your own patients. We have several practices both on campus and off campus at health centers and academic Oh, in the hospital practices. You're gonna be able to take care of patients, have a medical team. I know you're meeting Kelly's team in this video. Most importantly, you'll have, ah, lot of supervision as much as you need in the beginning and slowly with graduated independence as you become a junior and a senior from your precept. Er, um, precept ng is one of my favorite things that I do. And so I'm happy to answer questions when you're looking at our program about primary care about anything about primary care or the program. Of course, about anything related to a military training. I'm one of the nurses at Internal Medicine Associates. I've been here at my general for four years and enjoy working with the residents. Hi. My name is loose on the medical assistant. So most of our clinic time is focused in ambulatory care blocks. We don't have a strict for post to hear MGH, but most of us fund that our schedule is pretty much four weeks. Um, if we do have longer than four weeks of impatient, we will have occasional clinics during inpatient time. For me looking at my whole year, that means I have three clinics during inpatient time. Other than that, all of my clinics are during outpatient time. Um, and the reason for that is just to make sure we don't go more than four weeks without having a clinic to ensure we're there for our patients when they need to see us. The thing I love most about our primary care training here MGH is ownership we have over our panels and the relationships I've been able to build with my patients. Um, that means we're not only responsible for seeing them in clinic, but we also responsible for managing their care in between visits. Um, that does mean respond to in basket messages saying what specialists have to say following a lab results while we're on inpatient rotations. I really learned a lot in doing that, and I've learned that so much happens to our patients in between visits and clinic. I think it's actually a really valuable part of our training. Why would likely going to specialize in my career? I found being a primary care doctor, one of the most rewarding parts of residency so far, and I really always look forward to being in clinic. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.