Jordon - A Day in the Life of a Bigelow Call Intern (2020-2021)
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I start my first day of the glow today, and I'm on call, so I figured I would give this a shot and introduce you guys to what a day in the life of a Bigelow call internist like. So your first question may be what is a called a so called day on the Bigelow is where you come in at noon, and then you stay until noon the next day. Your job is to care for all the patients that are staying in the hospital overnight. So I'm not exactly sure how many patients this is, but I think it will probably be in the twenties overnight. So I'll be the responding clinician if anything comes up like someone has a lab result that needs worked up or if someone needs in order for a pain medication, things like that. Um this morning I got a stat page for a critical lab. So that might sound pretty startling for some people, which initially it was for me. I've definitely learned that what they say is true at Mass Gen. You never worry alone. When that critical result came back, I right away texting my precept er, and within 20 minutes we had a plan and medications were ordered for the patient and the plan was in place. So I think that's one of the great things that I'll say is a side note about Mass General. All So what does the rest of my morning looked like? Well, you're looking at it. I packed for a vacation this weekend with the big low service. You have two days off in a row so you could have, like, a golden weekend at one point. Actually, a lot of my CO in terms of already done it. So I got good recommendations from them, but just goes to show that even the residency is really hard. Like a Sicilian a diacetyl e. And during the diastolic portions, you can really enjoy your time so we'll see what the rest of the day has in store. Okay, So just to give you guys an idea of how far my walk iss you conceited I came from this corner and right over here, his master a straight shot. The perfect amount of time to call family, see how they're doing. Okay, so I made it on my first call day and now I'm eating lunch way. Normally have new conference, but it's it's even better, but it's flu shot day. So we all got a flu shot, and now we're eating in front of it. Now, if everyone say hi, we're socially distant, abating. It's not entirely sure where I left off with things, but just to follow up. I think last we spoke, we were on the lawn, the bull French lawn, eating lunch. So since then, um, I spent the rest of that early afternoon getting to know my patients and helping swing task so different things that needs to be done. Then from there a couple teams signed out to me, their patients. So since then I've admitted to new patients, and I've cared for a list of about 20 that being sad, everything's going pretty calm. I went down for nine o'clock meal, which is one of the free meals we get in the hospital. It's actually pretty good, considering it's free. It's nice because you can go with your color in terms which I was able todo So we'll see how the rest of the night goes. You know, I left everyone a little m i A. This morning, but to follow up just finished my call. Uh, so I finished the shift responding toe all things that were needed. I'm regarding the patients that I was covering, And then I admitted two patients overnight, and so I presented those this morning to the team. Where we can learn both from the patient and the team is Well, just see any things that we should think about next time.