Jessie - What I love about MGH pt 1 (2020-2021)
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I'm a 30 resident here, and I just want to share a little bit about the things I I'm, uh I'm one thing I love are the Chiefs, and I'm actually sitting in the chief's office right now. Um well, spot, we got some fiber one brownies way got some sweet and salty nuts, and then we got some candy over here, so I'm well stocked. So I wanted to use this time to tell you a little bit more about what I love about DHS. Serious than a seriously, um, one of the reasons I picked up DHS because I feel like each year's different. Um, you have this graduated autonomy that we experience. Every time we level up to another year and I felt like that was unique, I feel like other programs. I saw that the the junior and the senior often where the same sort of roles throughout the hospital. Here what? What I really loved is that as a big, low jar, as a second year, you get a really comprehensive leadership experience. Then as a SAR, you get thio basically around the whole hospital with your friends, which is a completely different experience, very fun. There's just different things to do every year, So you're never bored.