Loyola University Chicago (LUC) Transfers: 2024 Requirements, Dates, GPAs & More

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What does Campion Hall look like?

There’s only one way to know! See Campion Hall for yourself by beginning the Loyola University Chicago (LUC) tour now

What other buildings are at Loyola University Chicago (LUC) besides Campion Hall?

Loyola University Chicago (LUC) has hundreds of buildings and locations. CampusReel is constantly adding to its growing library of videos. Currently, CampusReel offers video tours for the below buildings:

What are the typical hours, and visiting hours, of Campion Hall?

The visiting hours for Campion Hall are most likely the same as other locations on the Loyola University Chicago (LUC) campus. We current have insufficient data to identify Campion Hall hours and encourage to check the Loyola University Chicago (LUC) Admissions page for more information.

Is Campion Hall Nice? How beautiful is it?

'Nice' is relative so we don’t like passing judgement on different campuses. The Loyola University Chicago (LUC) campus and Campion Hall are nice to some people, but not others. We encourage to begin watching the CampusReel video tour of Campion Hall to decide for yourself. If you like what you see, you may want to consider visiting Loyola University Chicago (LUC)

How do I see Campion Hall pictures?

Under each video description you will find a map that shows where the video for Campion Hall was taken. Next to the map, you will see a button that says 'Load More Pictures'. Click the button to view more pictures of Campion Hall. If no additional pictures appear, then there are no pictures available on Google Maps.

Sean shares a typical dorm in campion hall
Sean Anderson Dorms
Campion Hall is a freshman residence hall which houses the students in the Honors Program. Most dorms in Campion are doubles, but there are also options for handicapped singles or quads. Located on the northern edge of campus, Campion is right across from the Loyola L Red Line stop and several restaurants ranging from IDOF to Giordano's. FROM THE EDITOR As a domestic or international student, you ought to be concerned about living at Loyola University Chicago. That’s why we’ve created a complete guide and review of Loyola University Chicago housing and dorms, to help you figure out the best Loyola University Chicago dorm for you. Loyola University Chicago is a friendly and healthy community, and these videos have everything you need to ensure you have an amazing time at Loyola University Chicago. In this Loyola University Chicago dorm tour review at Campion Hall, you get to experience what it is like living in the housing on campus and off campus. This dorm tour takes place in Campion Hall, an on-campus dorm and residence hall. There are a variety of Loyola University Chicago residence halls and Loyola University Chicago housing options, and CampusReel hosts videos from a number of the best Loyola University Chicago housing options with housing reviews. Usually, the housing options for freshman differ from housing options for upperclassman. What are the best Loyola University Chicago freshman dorms? You can watch all of the Loyola University Chicago dorm tours here to see for yourself and find a guide to Loyola University Chicago dorms along with the above video. The Loyola University Chicago housing and dormitory options for freshman residence halls and upperclassman residence halls include Baumhart Hall, Bellarmine Hall, Canisiuis Hall, Campion Hall, De Nobili Hall, Fairfield Hall, Georgetown Hall, St. Louis Hall, Le Moyne Hall, and many more. The university provides everything you need, including comfortable beds and large storage sections. Loyola University Chicago housing in Campion Dorm on campus makes it easy for you to appreciate your time at the university while securing full use of the amenities. What could be more satisfying than having everything accessible at one housing facility? Access friends, living utilities and tons of amenities right when you need them. Loyola University Chicago dorm rooms and housing options are spacious and consist of all the essential components you require to feel content, quite like how it is at home. Most dorm rooms are decently sized and often have room for a refrigerator. Loyola University Chicago dorm rooms are great just as they are though you can always give them a unique look with inspirational decorating ideas. In this Loyola University Chicago housing tour and dorm tour, you will get to see what it is like from the inside of a dorm room to provide you with a clear picture of what to expect. With distinct residence halls and housing options on campus with different styles, you are far away from being disappointed. This Loyola University Chicago housing video tour and housing review is an amazing way to experience life on campus. So be prepared to make use of the accessible and affordable housing on-campus to compliment your stay at Loyola University Chicago. Different room sizes and room types are available to accommodate different setups and needs. They include singles, double, three-person suites, and four-person suites. Spend your time among the robust residential community and benefit from the variety of living options for your peace of mind. Making Loyola University Chicago dorms your home means making the most out of the Loyola University Chicago campus life. So begin your journey with confidence and progress towards becoming self-directed individuals. Loyola University Chicago housing on campus means relaxing in the height of comfort with eco-friendly and stylish room furniture. So come live the Loyola University Chicago and use this Loyola University Chicago dorm tour in Campion Hall as your gateway to the glorious days ahead.