Study Groups at INSEAD
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Everyone and Sicily and N b student at the CIA. Here at the Sierra, we get put into groups of five, and those are groups we have to stick to for the whole 1st and 2nd periods of the academic year. We do a lot of class assignments as a group, and our grades are very much linked to the group assignments that we submit, which is why maintaining group dynamic and relationship is absolutely important, not just to have a pleasant experience, but also for our academic grades. It takes a lot of care to put us into a very diverse group in my group. Gaia is a lawyer from Israel, and retail is a consultant from China. They all have such different personalities, yet I managed to learn so much from each one of them. His past consulting experience definitely allows me to see a lot of the class cases and strategies in a new light. She's very outgoing, very intellectual, and her lawyer background allows her to have a analytical mindset. He has a great sense of humor and I am very touched by how he always pushes himself outside of his comfort zone. He said, he asked himself to raise his hand and say something in class every single class, and I think that's a very admirable goal. I really admire how Marco is very resilient and makes the most of every single situation because of Michael being self isolation. At the moment, he often has to join our group discussion in Zoom cause and I have been amazed by how engaged he is in every single zoom call. I think that working with diverse people, the experience is different because I'm regular to work with people from my background that understand my language and my attitude, which is an Israeli attitude, a lawyer attitude and the female attitude, for example, and this time I'm working with people from different industries. I hope that my group mates will help me first understand other cultures and other people and like to know how to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It's a dynamic, of course, is very special. Sometimes we need time to understand each other. Sometimes, like it works perfectly because, like we're completely, it's pretty diverse over there. Typically when you work in offices, you are, uh, working with people who have pretty similar, uh, professional backgrounds to yourself. Over here, it's a lot diverse, so I think they're trying to force us to basically be ready for the world outside. Uh, yeah, they would increase in globalization and everything people would be required to or be forced to work with people, not from their own background. Yeah, they there are tons of things you can done the two takes away, other than from my study group. I think everyone has different leadership styles, So basically you got opportunities observed, like different how different leadership style works between, you know, the kind of group assignments or discussions. Uh, I'm observing everybody and to see and also get kind of reflection on my own leadership style. Then another thing is more like on the professional level. For example, when we are doing the negotiation session and Marco, he's a sales in kind of selling the private jet. So I kind of learned, uh, he styled in doing the negotiation and how he tried to try to consensus, uh, with your other party. I want to improve my confidence, especially with a lot of people around me. Uh, I think, especially when others are very keen to speak. Sometimes I would I would just step back to the bed and through the observer role as as I said. I think I should learn, you know, to also step up at that time, uh, during the especially moment because sometimes you think you have some you've got something really important to say, so you should grow a good habit of expressing your idea. Another afraid to stand up in, uh to talk about your point of view, feel that to reach towards my full potential and to explore What I'm capable of involves a great level of risk taking and having such a dynamic, supportive, encouraging and kind study group is the best environment for me to take risks, to make mistakes and to receive genuine truthful feedback so that I can take this on board and become a better version of myself mhm.