Searching for the right business school?
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If you want to join in Sierra, think about the business school for the world. Why did they choose in Sierra the entrepreneurial spirit you can see in the people? These are not the best people. Not only that, these are intelligent people your mates have built startups. They have already worked in artificial intelligence start ups for consulting herbs, investment banks that they have experienced. Then I chose it because of the many campuses, but also because of the way they teach things. You spent blocks of five weeks with lectures and assignments and group work. Then you have three days of exams and then two weeks of practical during the practical. As you apply one of the courses you have started two big data. For example, my first course practical course was big data applied to marketing. I loved it because I could feel that it wasn't just theory. I could apply what I've learned, and in the end we pitched to managers. Uh, we had the opportunity to deliver and to taste this added value that we can give to society. So if you want to join in CIA, think about the business school for the world. What would this mean for you? And if you really want to do that, try to understand more and then apply.