GEMBA Class Experience during a Pandemic

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So just like us, um a lot of candidates have this question in your mind. How is the program being delivered now in the pandemic situation? Uh Well, in terms of delivery, we we have created a virtual environment where those outside campus kandil in real time. Uh this enables them to be part of the class discussion, workgroup and networking sessions. Uh We also have random coffee chats, locations for the class for the cohort, where they can spend 15 minutes to two hours talking to people in their cohort. What is the major difference of on campus learning and online learning? Honestly, whether you're on campus or darling in it's really the similar amount of contribution and our faculty have all repositioned the lectures to be more accommodating to those darling in uh we have also set up a lecture halls with microphones and uh videos, uh best of the line. Um and the experience is great, you don't even have to put on a headset when your classroom to speak, you can just talk naturally and those coming in online can also hear and see you very well. Uh We are traveling out some virtual reality darlene which should be roll out towards the end of the academic year. Well that sounds really great, so with all this, it the current cohort is going through this so um what has been the feedback to us for? Um we're happy that the feedback from last year's class and this is class has been quite positive with them being excited about all the new tools that we are rolling out. Uh If if a candidate feels now is the right time to do the program then my advice really would be to progress rather than wait a few years until they can attend in person. Uh It would make it won't make much difference uh in terms of learning and the experienced and the hands on application, so let them speak to us, and we will work with them through the process. I I guess, um, with these candidates have a better picture of the program conflict.