Financial Scholarships and Choosing a Track
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I actually thought of going for the corporate track first and I went through my employer at that time. They were not so supportive of doing it in the corporate trip. So my company not for the scholarship but they have had some issues with claiming back their subsidies from this kind of government agencies before. So they didn't want so keen on sticking on the scholarship for me because I think my HR was saying that they have to fork out 100% 1st and then came back and although so yeah in terms of balance sheet management and all those things, the company wasn't so keen so then yeah I just decided to go ahead with individual track. So I actually applied for the individual track eventually I wasn't offered the individual track. Um And my employer, my my my my boss actually knows that I was very keen to have this scholarship. I'm very thankful that I had a very supportive boss. Mes actually advised me to switch to the corporate track. So they actually told my boss that if Malcolm to switch to the corporate track they will actually give me the scholarship. I mean I didn't have to convince my manager because they were really very supportive. I switched from individual and corporate track and that's how I ended up with the scholarship.