Favorite Phrase In Your Native Language (Revised)
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Uh, my favorite phrase in my native language is from a movie it's called. It should be bulky and very dosed world means is that there's always some picture left. Hi, my name is Florence and my favorite sentence in my native language is cipolla plus paloma, which translates to who can do the most can also do the least because it's about ambition and that there's no limit to what you can do. Hi, I'm in play here in Singapore and I'm from china. So my favorite phrase in chinese will be Joshua, one should sing, which means that as long as in our family we are peaceful and harmonious. Hi, my name is awfully and my favorite phrase in my native language is kina dot. It means if you don't try, you won't succeed. I would say my favorite saying in my native language is this brat cinema kwacha, which literally means without work, you won't have results chow everyone. Here from Singapore is the italian national week and I want to share with you my favorite uh let's say a sentence from italian bastard Angela combat yama have taken from kung fu panda. It means uh let's stop eating, let's fight.